Bein Adam Lchavero

Bein Adam Lchavairo is a blog dealing with interpersonal relations within the Jewish community and the interactions of the Jewish and Gentile worlds. We're new. Be gentle.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Loshon Hara or News?

A recent news report has several Jewish blogs talking. To give the gist of it, a major airline and a major Rav have allegedly made an agreement wherein there will be no Stewardesses on the same flight as this Rav to avoid Tzniut (modesty) problems. The article then goes into how the Rav went so far as to buy out all of first class so there will be no women present at all.

Now, one blogger very rightly points out that there is no issur against looking at women. S/he is 100% correct. However, there is an issur on being Mkabal Loshon Harah.

As the airline in question refuses to comment on the matter, all we can do is speculate. Speculation is often tainted by our own biases. For example, one could assume that the Rav in question is a spendthrift, wasting money (which would make the story ironic, as it's for a fundraising trip). One could also wonder if maybe the Rav requested that the Stewardesses' uniforms be more Tzniut (because let's face it, no matter what the airline, those uniforms are far, far from it Tzniut) and the airline decided that this would be an easier solution.

One thing I want to speculate on is where the newspaper is getting its sources. I doubt the Rav in question issues a press release. I also doubt that the airline would, given the fact they refuse to comment. Instead, one would assume that someone decided to "leak" this. Why? How does this help us as a people? Do we need to know this at all? I know it doesn't affect me. Two people made a business deal. Big deal. By "leaking" it (if, indeed, that is what happened), the source only gives ammunition to those who wish to bash those frummer than them, which of course results in those that view themselves as the target of the bashing going on the defensive. Harsh words will be said, flamewars will be had and feelings will be hurt. I don't see where there's any good in reporting this.

I'm reminded of the portion of the Torah wherin Miriam contracts Tzarras as a result of speaking Loshon harah about Moshe Rabainu. One thing that was always impressed on me is that Miriam had the purest motives: she was worried about her younger brother's marriage. However, regardless of motive, it was still Loshon harah and still assur.

It's hard to avoid Loshon harah on the internet or even in our local paper. I believe it is a necessity to know what is going on in the world around us. I am not a fan of internet bans or willful ignorance. However, on occasion one has to wonder if we're interested in something because we need to know it or because we want to hear something juicy.

It's the difference between getting Time Magazine every week and getting People.


Blogger Ezzie said...

Why? Both are chock full of gossip.

But in general, the question remains on how news and loshon hara intertwine. Are we allowed to trust normal news services for getting at least basic stories correctly? I should hope so.

3:40 PM  
Blogger - Typo Lad said...

The difference is Time at least pretends to have news stories.

Too liberal for ya Ez?

4:00 PM  
Blogger Charlie Hall said...

Israel National News picked up the story:

8:09 AM  

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